Saturday, July 9, 2011

Verizon Ad

Here we have an ad for Verizon high-speed internet, featuring a couple surfing the net.  The communicator in this particular ad one might assume to be Verizon, but could just as easily be perceived as the couple in question as well.  The audience one must assume to be the viewer, or more specifically any persons interested in obtaining a good value on broadband internet. The message of this ad is that, as the ad says, 'Verizon Online DSL [is] the best value in broadband'.  It is clear that the ad is also trying to convey the type of experience that a potential customer of Verizon could have with their product as well, and by showing the couple interacting over their computer they convey the sense that Verizon broadband can be a fun couples activity.  The image of the couple appeals to both ethos and pathos, by presenting a well put-together couple enjoying themselves.

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