Friday, July 8, 2011

A Bit About Me

My given name is Benjamin Christian Anthony Love, but I like to shrink all of that down into a neat and concise three letter name.  I live in Greenville, SC, although I am originally from the beautiful Hilton Head Island, SC.  I've been studying here at Clemson for far longer than I ought to have been, and though I thoroughly enjoy academics I am looking forward to completing my undergraduate career.  I am a Philosophy major, and will very soon be choosing a pre-law or a pre-med concentration, to be followed (obviously) by Law school or Medical school.  If I do choose to pursue a career in law, I intend to specialize in medical malpractice law.

Although I said just a bit earlier that I live in Greenville, I should mention that I've only just moved here about two weeks ago.  My wife, to whom I've been married since Cinco de Mayo, and I picked up and moved to Greenville so that I might be closer to Clemson.  So, if anybody has suggestions regarding Greenville or the Greenville area, I'd love to hear them!

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